Welcome to Florida State University and the Center for Global Engagement (CGE).
You are required to register and attend the CGE’s New International Student Orientation to learn about FSU’s campus resources, maintain your immigration status, succeed as a student at Florida State University, and live in Tallahassee. You will meet other new international students and learn important information to help you make friends and have a successful start at FSU.
Dates, times, and registration information for all events are below. Please read carefully!
Note for Undergraduate students (Bachelor’s): The CGE New International Student Orientation is in addition to FSU’s required New Nole Orientation. Contact FSU’s New Student and Family Programs office (orientation@fsu.edu) regarding any questions you have regarding registration in undergraduate New Nole Orientation (which is required for enrollment in classes) or contact the CGE regarding questions regarding registration for the CGE New International Student Orientation (cge@fsu.edu) and see details below.
Note for Graduate students (Master’s or Doctorate): The CGE New International Student Orientation is in addition to your academic department’s orientation, any Graduate School orientation, and TA training if relevant.
Summer 2025 New International Student Orientation (Required)
Mark your calendar now with the date you need to arrive in Tallahassee (see below).
Summer A/C students must arrive in Tallahassee by May 7
Undergraduate Students(Bachelor’s) starting in Summer Sessions A/C classes starting May 12:
May 7, 2025 or earlier – Arrive in Tallahassee and complete your Arrival Confirmation in Nole Start under Newly Admitted Students. In the Arrival Confirmation, follow the instructions to enter the Tallahassee address where you are sleeping at night as your SEVIS address in my.fsu.edu. You must complete this step to remove your CGE arrival confirmation course registration hold. *Note: If you enter a hotel or other temporary address, remember to update your SEVIS address in MyFSU within 10 days after your move.
Please note that on-campus residence hall move-in starts at 5pm on May 8. Therefore, students with confirmed a on-campus summer housing contract will need to book a hotel room for at least one night.
If you are arriving in the U.S. in F-1 status for the first time, you may enter up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 (Check your I-20 for the Earliest Admission Date). Do not buy non-refundable, non-changeable travel tickets until you receive your F-1 visa from the U.S. consulate (citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a visa).
May 8, 2025 – REQUIRED CGE International Student orientation (in-person). Register by following these instructions:
- Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
- Go to Events on the main page. You may need to click “See More Events” and “See Next 30 Days” to get to the May 8 Orientation listing.
- Click the "I'm Going" button below to register for the event.
- Add this event to your personal calendar as there will not be an automated email confirming your registration.
May 9, 2025 – REQUIRED New Nole Orientation (in-person). Students who are NOT transferring from the FSU Republic of Panama campus can register now by emailing orientation@fsu.edu and identifying yourself as an international student.
- You will meet with an academic advisor during the New Nole Orientation and will need to register for courses immediately thereafter.
- You must ensure that you have resolved all course registration holds before that time by completing the CGE arrival confirmation, attend both above orientations, and following the instructions on all other course registration holds on your account.
If you are transferring from the FSU Republic of Panama campus, email orientation@fsu.edu, identify yourself as a student transferring from the FSU Republic of Panama campus, and request the registration form/instructions. There is a different New Nole registration process for FSU Republic of Panama students.
Note that a separate registration is required for each of the above orientations (CGE and New Nole). If you encounter trouble registering for the May 9 New Nole orientation, please contact orientation@fsu.edu. Students who are already inside the U.S. transferring their immigration status from another U.S. college or university may choose to attend the April 11 New Nole orientation but must also attend the CGE international student orientation on May 8.
Graduate Students(Master’s or Doctoral) starting in Summer Sessions A/C, classes starting May 12:
May 7, 2025 or earlier – Arrive in Tallahassee and complete your Arrival Confirmation in Nole Start under Newly Admitted Students. In the Arrival Confirmation, follow the instructions to enter the Tallahassee address where you are sleeping at night as your SEVIS address in my.fsu.edu. You must complete this step to remove your CGE arrival confirmation course registration hold. *Note: If you enter a hotel or other temporary address, remember to update your SEVIS address in MyFSU within 10 days after your move.
Please note that on-campus residence hall move-in starts at 5pm on May 8. Therefore, students with a confirmed on-campus summer housing contract will need to book a hotel room for at least one night.
If you are arriving in the U.S. in F-1 status for the first time, you may enter up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 (Check your I-20 for the Earliest Admission Date). Do not buy non-refundable, non-changeable travel tickets until you receive your F-1 visa from the U.S. consulate (citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a visa).
May 8, 2025 – REQUIRED CGE International Student orientation (in-person). Register by following these instructions:
- Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
- Go to Events on the main page. You may need to click “See More Events” and “See Next 30 Days” to get to the May 8 Orientation listing.
- Click the "I'm Going" button below to register for the event.
- Add this event to your personal calendar as there will not be an automated email confirming your registration.
Check with your admitting academic department for the date of your academic orientation and ensure that you arrive in time to attend. These meetings are important in properly planning your course schedule, because it is not always possible to discern which courses are offered only once a year and/or which must be taken in a certain sequence. We also recommend that you review the online Graduate School information at New Graduate Student Orientation Welcome | The Graduate School (fsu.edu)
Summer B students see below for arrival date information
Be careful not to schedule meetings with your academic advisor or department, a housing move-in time, medical appointments, or other obligations during the required orientations.
Freshman Undergraduate Students(Bachelor’s) starting in Summer Session B, Classes starting June 23:
June 14, 2025 or earlier – Arrive in Tallahassee and complete your Arrival Confirmation in Nole Start under Newly Admitted Students. In the Arrival Confirmation, follow the instructions to enter the Tallahassee address where you are sleeping at night as your SEVIS address in my.fsu.edu. You must complete this step to remove your CGE arrival confirmation course registration hold. *Note: If you enter a hotel or other temporary address, remember to update your SEVIS address in MyFSU within 10 days after your move.
New Nole orientation typically includes on-campus or near campus housing from June 15 to June 16. Students will need to book a hotel room on June 14. Students who have a summer housing contract for an on-campus residence hall must also book a hotel room for the nights of June 17, 18, and 19. Summer B Housing opens on June 20 at 9am.
If you are arriving in the U.S. in F-1 status for the first time, you may enter up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 (Check your I-20 for the Earliest Admission Date). Do not buy non-refundable, non-changeable travel tickets until you receive your F-1 visa from the U.S. consulate (citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a visa).
June 15, 2025 beginning at 7:30am – REQUIRED New Nole Orientation (in-person). You can register now by following the instructions at Register for Orientation | New Student & Family Programs (fsu.edu) Please note that this is a 3 day orientation and you are required to attend all sessions during all three days.
- You will meet with an academic advisor during the New Nole Orientation and will need to register for courses immediately thereafter.
- You must ensure that you have resolved all course registration holds before that time by completing the CGE arrival confirmation, attending both above orientations, and following the instructions on all other course registration holds on your account.
June 20, 2025– REQUIRED CGE International Student orientation (in-person). Register by following these instructions:
- Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
- Go to Events on the main page. You may need to click “See More Events” and “See Next 30 Days” to get to the May 8 Orientation listing.
- Click the "I'm Going" button below to register for the event.
- Add this event to your personal calendar as there will not be an automated email confirming your registration.
Note that separate registration for each of the above orientations is required. If you attended a U.S. high school and you are inside the U.S. in F-1 status, you may choose a New Nole orientation date earlier than June 15, but you must also plan to attend the June 20 CGE international student orientation.
Sophomore,Junior, or Senior Undergraduate Students(Bachelor’s) starting in Summer Session B, classes starting June 23:
June 17, 2025 or earlier – Arrive in Tallahassee and complete your Arrival Confirmation in Nole Start under Newly Admitted Students. In the Arrival Confirmation, follow the instructions to enter the Tallahassee address where you are sleeping at night as your SEVIS address in my.fsu.edu. You must complete this step to remove your CGE arrival confirmation course registration hold. *Note: If you enter a hotel or other temporary address, remember to update your SEVIS address in MyFSU within 10 days after your move.
Students who have a summer housing contract for an on-campus residence hall must also book a hotel room for the nights of June 17, 18, and 19. Summer B Housing opens on June 20 at 9am.
If you are arriving in the U.S. in F-1 status for the first time, you may enter up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 (Check your I-20 for the Earliest Admission Date). Do not buy non-refundable, non-changeable travel tickets until you receive your F-1 visa from the U.S. consulate (citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a visa).
June 18, 2025 – REQUIRED New Nole Orientation (in-person). You can register now by following the instructions at Register for Orientation | New Student & Family Programs (fsu.edu)
- You will meet with an academic advisor during the New Nole Orientation and will need to register for courses immediately thereafter.
- You must ensure that you have resolved all course registration holds before that time by completing the CGE arrival confirmation, attend both above orientations, and following the instructions on all other course registration holds on your account.
June 20, 2025– REQUIRED CGE International Student orientation (in-person). Register by following these instructions:
Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
Go to Events on the main page. You may need to click “See More Events” and “See Next 30 Days” to get to the May 8 Orientation listing.
Click the "I'm Going" button below to register for the event.
Add this event to your personal calendar as there will not be an automated email confirming your registration.
Note that separate registration for each of the above orientations is required. If you attended a U.S. college, university, or English language program and you are inside the U.S. in F-1 status, you may choose a New Nole orientation date earlier than June 18, but you must also plan to attend the June 20 CGE international student orientation.
Graduate Students(Master’s or Doctoral) starting in Summer Session B, classes starting June 23:
June 18, 2025 or earlier – Arrive in Tallahassee and complete your Arrival Confirmation in Nole Start under Newly Admitted Students. In the Arrival Confirmation, follow the instructions to enter the Tallahassee address where you are sleeping at night as your SEVIS address in my.fsu.edu. You must complete this step to remove your CGE arrival confirmation course registration hold. *Note: If you enter a hotel or other temporary address, remember to update your SEVIS address in MyFSU within 10 days after your move.
If you are arriving in the U.S. in F-1 status for the first time, you may enter up to 30 days before the start date on your I-20 (Check your I-20 for the Earliest Admission Date). Do not buy non-refundable, non-changeable travel tickets until you receive your F-1 visa from the U.S. consulate (citizens of Canada and Bermuda do not require a visa).
June 20, 2025– REQUIRED CGE International Student orientation (in-person). Register by following these instructions:
- Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
- Go to Events on the main page. You may need to click “See More Events” and “See Next 30 Days” to get to the May 8 Orientation listing.
- Click the "I'm Going" button below to register for the event.
- Add this event to your personal calendar as there will not be an automated email confirming your registration.
Check with your admitting academic department for the date of your academic orientation and ensure that you arrive in time to attend. These meetings are important in properly planning your course schedule, because it is not always possible to discern which courses are offered only once a year and/or which must be taken in a certain sequence.
We also recommend that you review the online Graduate School information at New Graduate Student Orientation Welcome | The Graduate School and attend any other pre-academic programs or training required by your academic department.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Center for Global Engagement Staff
New Arrival Checklist
Complete the CGE Arrival Confirmation Form
Access this form in Nole Start. Follow instructions to enter your U.S. address as your SEVIS address in myFSU, and provide the other information requested on the form. Your CGE advisor will complete the required SEVIS registration process to activate your F-1 SEVIS record.
Submit Immunization Form to University Health Services
Click Here to access the FSU immunization requirements and Immunization Form. If you need immunizations, you can get them at University Health Services by calling 850-644-4567 to schedule an appointment.
Purchase Health Insurance or Verify That You Have the Required Health Insurance
You must have health insurance that complies with Florida Board of Governors requirements before you can register for classes. You can purchase the FSU sponsored health insurance plan through United Health Care Student Resources or enter information regarding your alternative insurance by clicking here.
Get Your FSU Card
You can apply online for an FSU card (pick up in person), make an appointment to get your card, or walk-in for your card, at the Card Center in the FSU bookstore. Make an appointment here. With your FSU Card as identification, you can ride Tallahassee Star Metro buses for free, check out FSU library books, use the University Health and Wellness Center, use campus recreation facilities, attend free concerts, movies and events on campus, and more!
Register for Classes
Register for classes during your Open Enrollment dates, found here. You cannot register for classes until all relevant holds are removed.
Pay Tuition & Fees by Deadline
Pay your tuition after you register for classes and before the posted deadline to avoid class cancellation. The tuition payment deadline is generally the second Friday of each semester as posted on the Academic Calendar at registrar.fsu.edu. For payment methods, go here. *You will not receive an invoice. You find the amount due in myFSU.
If your government or an agency is paying your tuition bill, you MUST submit the Third Party Billing Agreement to Student Business Services no later than the fifth day of class. Student Business Services (SBS) will defer the tuition deadline for students with a 2+2 or Latin America/Caribbean Scholarship until SBS has completed processing of the scholarships.
Record Your Name in NameCoach
NameCoach is a tool that celebrates differences and promotes a sense of respectful connection by making it easy to communicate your name's pronunciation and learn your classmates' name pronunciations. To record your name's pronunciation, sign in to my.fsu.edu and follow the prompt.
As professionals at the CGE, we support international students with F-1 and (FSU-sponsored) J-1 visa statuses by providing pre-arrival information, orientation, and immigration advising. We also host many educational, social and multicultural programs and events throughout the year for all international and domestic students at FSU.
If you are not a U.S. citizen, permanent resident (green card holder), or do not already hold a status that allows you to study in the U.S., please read the following information to help you understand which visa status you should obtain in order to study at FSU’s main campus in Tallahassee, Florida.
Note: FSU visa sponsorship is not available if you are enrolling in an FSU Online Degree Program.
Study at FSU in Nonimmigrant Student (F-1 Visa) Status
F-1 is the primary U.S. student visa status for regular, degree-seeking study. If you are an international student planning to attend FSU and complete a degree program, you will most likely first need to obtain F-1 visa status.
The following steps take you through the process of obtaining F-1 status and beginning your studies at FSU.
Note: if you currently are an F-1 student at another university, please first read about how to have your SEVIS record transferred to FSU.
Study at FSU in Exchange Visitor (J-1 Visa) Status
If you are receiving a grant/scholarship from the U.S. government or your home government, or are participating in a special program or exchange program, you may need to obtain the J-1 visa to study at FSU. If you belong to one of the following categories, click on it to read more information about the J-1 visa process.
Note: if you currently are a J-1 student at another university, please first read about how to have your SEVIS record transferred to FSU.
Agency-Administered Scholarship Students (IIE, LASPAU, AMIDEAST, OAS)
If you are receiving a (Fulbright or home government) scholarship that is administered through an agency such as IIE, LASPAU, AMIDEAST or OAS, you will work with your agency to provide all documentation necessary for admission. In most cases, the agency will apply for admission to FSU on your behalf; you will not initiate the admission application yourself or contact academic departments or faculty directly. If the agency decides to place you at FSU, we will email you further information to help you prepare to arrive on campus. Your agency will guide you through the required immigration procedures, orientation or gateway programs, and scholarship obligations.
Self-Placed Fulbright Students
If you are awarded a Fulbright scholarship through a self-placed type of grant (not administered through an agency such as IIE, LASPAU, AMIDEAST, or OAS), you must apply for admission to FSU online at admissions.fsu.edu. In addition to all other documentation required in the online application, you should indicate that you will need the J-1 visa and upload a copy of your Fulbright award letter. You should also email a copy of the award letter to FSU's Office of Graduate Admissions and the CGE's Exchange Visitor Advisor. Emailing the award letter helps to ensure that you receive important pre-arrival information upon admission. If you decide not to attend FSU, please notify both FSU's Office of Graduate Admissions and the CGE's Exchange Visitor Advisor.
Self-Placed Home Government Scholarship Students
If your home government is sponsoring your study in the US, you may be required to use the J-1 visa instead of the F-1 visa. This requirement should be indicated in your award letter. If your scholarship is not administered through an agency such as IIE, LASPAU, AMIDEAST or OAS, you will need to submit your own FSU admissions application online at admissions.fsu.edu. In addition to all other documentation required in the online application, you should indicate that you will need the J-1 visa and upload a copy of your scholarship award letter. After you are formally admitted to FSU, the CGE's Exchange Visitor Advisor will email you instructions to complete the online Certification of Financial Responsibility, which collects information used to issue the DS-2019 form needed to apply for the J-1 visa.
Exchange Students
Immigration regulations restrict short-term, non-degree study to students who are coming to FSU under an exchange or special agreement between their home institution and FSU or through a scholarship program, (cooperative agreements do not allow for enrollment in coursework). For a full list of exchange and special agreements, go to global.fsu.edu/global-footprint/global-partners. If your home institution appears on this list, contact the exchange coordinator at your home institution for procedures to apply. Because there are limited exchange spaces available each year, the process may be competitive. Contact your exchange coordinator at least 6 months before your intended semester of enrollment.
Visiting Scholars
Those intending to come to FSU for research or teaching only (no course enrollment) must be invited by an FSU faculty member, after the faculty member has obtained university approval for the visit or paid employment. This process will also be followed by those transferring their J research program from another sponsor to FSU or changing from another status. Please note that FSU cannot issue immigration documents for anyone who is not going to be working directly with an FSU department.
Study at FSU in a visa status other than F-1 or J-1
If you are already in the US in nonimmigrant visa status other than F-1 or J-1, you might be permitted to study. Carefully read this summary of study restrictions associated with nonimmigrant visas: Nonimmigrants: Who Can Study.
However, depending upon your situation, you may need to change status to F-1. Here are some examples:
- Your visa status is derived from your parent’s status, for which, in most cases, you will no longer be eligible when you turn 21. To remain in the US, you will need to change to F-1 status before you turn 21.
- Your visa status is derived from a spouse or parent’s status that is ending. To remain in the US, you will need to change to F-1 status before your present status ends.
- You have F-2 dependent visa status, which only permits you to study in the US part-time. Before enrolling in course full-time (9 graduate credit hours or 12 undergraduate credit hours), you will need to change to F-1 status.
- You are currently in the U.S. in J-1 visa status and want to remain in the U.S. to study after the completion of your J program.*
You can change status to F-1 in two ways: travel outside of the US to obtain an F-1 visa or submit a Change of Status application to USCIS,* which can take months to have adjudicated. For more details, go to studyinthestates.dhs.gov/change-of-status.
*Note: If you are in J-1 or J-2 status and your DS-2019 shows that you are subject to the two-year residence requirement, you are not eligible to apply to change status in the U.S.; your only option would be to travel to obtain an F-1 visa.
If you have questions about changing to F-1 status or are ready to begin the process, contact the International Student Services Coordinator at CGE-NewStudents@fsu.edu or 850-645-1424.