Step 6: FSU Health Compliance

The University Health Services (UHS) provides medical, support and health prevention services to students at FSU. One of UHS’s responsibilities is to ensure that all FSU students meet the university’s immunization and health insurance requirements. This page informs you about these requirements and provides some tips for satisfying them.

Tip: Complete these requirements before you leave your home country. You will not be able to register for classes until you have satisfied these requirements and gotten the corresponding registration holds removed from your account.

Tip: You can check the status of your immunization and health insurance compliance online using the Office of Admission’s Online Status Check.

If you need any additional information or help resolving compliance issues, please contact the UHS’s Health Compliance Office at 850-644-3608 or

Immunization Requirements

All new FSU students must meet the Health Compliance office’s immunization requirements. Note that you must get a medical professional to complete the required form in English.

Health Insurance Requirement

The State of Florida requires all students attending public universities to have adequate health and accident insurance that meets certain requirements.

Go to the Health Compliance website to learn about satisfying the health insurance requirement. If you purchase health insurance through FSU, charges for the insurance premium will be added to your student account and should be paid by the tuition and fee payment deadline.

Graduate students awarded a qualifying graduate assistantship should go the Graduate School website to learn about the Health Insurance Subsidy Benefit.

Government-funded students whose financial sponsor will pay FSU directly for insurance may leave the charges on their account for the sponsor to pay. See Step 14 for more details about paying tuition and fees.

Travel Health Insurance

While not a university requirement, we recommend you purchase travel insurance to cover you until your U.S. health insurance begins. For exact coverage dates and other details about the insurance plan you can purchase through FSU, see the Health Compliance’s Insurance Information Page and United Healthcare’s FSU Insurance Plan Page. Travel insurance will not meet the university requirements for insurance coverage required in order to enroll in classes.