Step 11: Complete Orientations

New International Student Orientation (Center for Global Engagement)

At the CGE’s New International Student Orientation, you will learn about FSU’s campus resources, maintaining your immigration status, succeeding as a student at Florida State University, and living in Tallahassee. You will meet other new international students and learn important information to help you make friends and have a successful start at FSU.

This orientation is in addition to the CGE Arrival Confirmation, which you should do when you first arrive at FSU.

Note: The CGE New International Student Orientation is in addition to the FSU academic undergraduate orientations. Contact FSU’s New Student and Family Programs office for more information about these orientation programs that are required for enrollment in classes.

Spring 2025 New International Student Orientation (Required)

New International Students of All Academic Levels

January 3, 2025: further details will be provided at a later time – REQUIRED CGE International Student Orientation (in-person) for all new international students, as well as transfers, change of status and change of level. Register by following these instructions:

  • Login to Nole Start with your FSU credentials.
  • Scroll down the page and click on the Newly Admitted Students link.

REQUIRED New Nole Orientation (in-person) for undergraduates only. You can register starting October 1 by following the instructions in the Register for New Nole Orientation tab at this New Student & Family Programs ( webpage.

  • You will meet with an academic advisor during the New Nole Orientation and will need to register for courses immediately thereafter.
  • You must ensure that you have resolved must ensure that you have resolved all course registration holds before that time by completing the CGE arrival confirmation and following the instructions on all other course registration holds on your account.
  •  In Nole Start, click the “Newly Admitted Students” link and please submit the Orientation Registration form (for CGE’s orientation), only after completing all previously listed required forms.

Note that separate registration for each of the above orientations is required. If you are inside the U.S. before the winter holidays, you may choose an earlier New Nole orientation date that fits your schedule. However, you must also plan to attend the CGE international student orientation on the afternoon of January 3, 2025. If you are unable to attend any of the listed orientations, or the system does not allow you to register when you log in to, email for assistance.

Other FSU Orientations

New Undergraduate Student Orientation (New Students and Family Programs)

The Dean of Student’s New Students and Family Programs (NSFP) office provides a required New Undergraduate Student Orientation for all new undergraduate students, whether classified as First Time in College (FTIC), Lower-Division Transfer or Upper Division Transfer. During this orientation, you will learn about resources on FSU’s campus and meet with your academic advisor to register for classes. For more information and instructions for registering, go to their registration page.

Academic Department Orientations for New Graduate Students

Academic departments typically have their own orientations for new students each semester. If you have not already received information from your department, check with them about their new student orientation requirements.

New Graduate Student Orientation (The Graduate School)

Visit the Graduate School's New Graduate Student Orientation Website for more information.

Teaching Assistant Training

The Center for the Advancement of Teaching (CAT) sponsors university-wide Teaching Assistant Orientation, in addition to other workshops and events throughout the year. Registration is required. Your academic department may also provide its own orientation session for teaching assistants.