Below, you will find answers to most commonly asked questions about the GCC. For others, email us at
Is there an application process and deadline to get into the certificate?
GCC students are admitted on a rolling basis. You must attend an information session to enroll.
What year do I have to be to start the certificate?
You can start the certificate any year, as long as you have room for 4 classes, a sustained experience, and time to attend eight global events. First to third year at FSU is probably the easiest time to begin the certificate. Most students finish the GCC in two years.
Is there a time limit to finish the program once I am enrolled?
No. You can finish the GCC while you are an undergraduate student at FSU. Most students finish it comfortably in two years.
What do I need to do to graduate with the GCC?
Start working on your certificate requirements. These include 4 courses, 8 pre-approved global events, 1 pre-approved sustained experience. A reflection paper for each requirement must be submitted within 10 days of completing the requirement. This makes a total of 13 reflection papers. Once all your requirements are completed, apply to graduate with the GCC through our office.
Why do I need to tell you that I am finished with all the requirements?
So we can inform the registrar to put the GCC on your transcript. We also like to celebrate your completion with a small graduation ceremony at the end of fall and spring semesters.
Course questions:
Can I use classes I’ve already taken toward the certificate?
You can count only one course retroactively. This course must be global/international, carry 3-credit hours, and taken on the FSU Tallahassee campus.
I am currently enrolled in a course this semester that might be an approved elective, can I use this course towards the GCC?
Yes, as long as you enroll in the GCC before the end of the semester and submit your reflection paper within the 10-day deadline, you can count your course towards your course requirements. Make sure your course is on the approved electives list or ask an advisor for more information by emailing
Global Events Questions:
Can I use global events I've already taken toward the certificate?
No, you cannot add global events retroactively.
I attended a global event in my hometown. Can I use it toward the global event's requirement?
Any community events outside of the pre-approved global events list provided by the GCC must be approved. The events must be structured and have a global focus. To get a community event approved, email a link and description of the event to
I was invited for a dinner party at my friend's place who is from a different country. Can it be considered a global event?
No, the community event must be structured with an intentional global/international focus.
Sustained experience questions:
Can I use a sustained experience I've already completed towards the certificate?
You cannot add a sustained experience retroactively.
Do I have to study abroad to participate?
No, the certificate requires a sustained experience, which can be completed internationally or domestically on campus or in your local community.
I just learned about a community service opportunity, can I use it toward the sustained experience?
All community service opportunities not listed on the GCC canvas page must be pre-approved. Email information about this experience and your role to
I travel widely with my family and friends, and often internationally, can I use this experience towards the GCC?
No, unfortunately, all sustained international travel must be intentionally planned with a carefully designed structure and plans to engage with the local cultures for it to be approved as a sustained experience.
Reflection paper questions
Where can I find the reflection papers?
All reflection paper templates are on the GCC canvas site, which you can access once you are enrolled in the certificate.
I missed the 10-day rule for submitting the reflections, could I please submit it anyway?
No, all reflection papers must be submitted within the 10-day deadline to be counted towards the GCC.
GCC Scholarship and GCC with Honors questions:
Who qualifies for the GCC Scholarship?
It is awarded to high-achieving students in the GCC who are accepted to an FSU Global Exchange and have a documented financial need.
How do I know GCC with Honors is a good fit for me?
Check out our GCC with Honors page to see if you meet the minimum criteria. Then, email to discuss your options.
Can I tell my undergraduate friends about the certificate?
Yes! The GCC is open to all undergraduate students at FSU. We welcome all majors and minors!
Do you offer internships at the GCC?
Yes, semester-long internships are available at the GCC. Keep your eyes on the GCC Canvas announcements for available positions.