Engage Your World

The CGE's Engage Your World Speaker Series began in September of 2009 as a collaborative effort between the Claude Pepper Center  and the Center for Global Engagement (CGE). It brings together students, faculty, and staff to engage in a conversation about the global challenges we all face today. The broad scope of Engage Your World provides space for everyone to participate in a respectful conversation, where differences in opinion are not only encouraged but also necessary for a deep and meaningful dialogue.

CGE will normally co-sponsor 3 EYW events in the fall semester, and 3-4 EYW events in the spring semester. We try our best to space the events a month apart, though we may have to keep other campus-wide events in mind. In most cases, events are held between Tuesday to Thursday, after 4:30 pm when the parking on campus is free. EYW events are usually not hosted on Fridays to avoid a conflict with the International Coffee Hour.

To find The Globe building visit this page and visit the Parking Map to see where to park.


Upcoming Events

Date, Time & Location Event Information

Thursday, March 20, 2025
5:00 p.m. 
The Globe Auditorium


From Global to Local: Trends in International Migration

Join us for a lecture examining migration as a global issue impacting source, transit, and destination countries. This lecture will cover current trends in migration and displacement worldwide, exploring the causes behind these movements, the demographic and socio-economic profiles of migrants, and the effects of migration on host communities. The session will conclude with an overview and assessment of current U.S. policies for managing migration both domestically and internationally.

Dr. Susan Martin, author of A Nation of Immigrants, is a leading expert in migration and refugee policy, with an extensive career dedicated to studying and developing immigration and refugee policies. Her experience includes serving as the Research Director for the U.S. Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy and as Executive Director of the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. She is also the Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of International Migration within the Walsh School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University and has advised numerous international organizations on migration governance. Of note, Dr. Martin was a co-author to the recent RAFDI working group report US Leadership Matters in Addressing Forced Displacement Crisis.

Dr. Martin is a Co-Founder and Commissioner of the Women's Refugee Commission. She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, chaired the Thematic Working Group on Environmental Change and Migration for the Global Knowledge Partnership in Migration and Development hosted by the World Bank, and has served as a key advisor to the International Organization for Migration. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights from one of the foremost voices in global migration policy.

View the livestream on YouTube


Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Askew Student Life Center


I'm Still Here: Movie Screening and Discussion

Details to follow.