Special Programs

Today’s global economy requires university graduates to develop the cross-cultural skills they will need to compete and succeed in a multicultural workforce. Florida State University (FSU) offers two Special Programs in Hospitality Management and Intercultural Communication designed to help students gain valuable experience in the field of hospitality and develop cross-cultural skills and competencies through 12 credits of FSU coursework and 6 months of work-integrated learning at Walt Disney World® Resort.

Academic Curriculum

Students spend up to 10 days at FSU participating in an intensive course in either Hospitality Management or Intercultural Communication and experience student life at one of the only three pre-eminent research institutions in the state of Florida.

During their 10-day stay at FSU, students participate in one of the following three-credit courses taught by FSU faculty members:

  • Managing Service Organizations: This three-credit course is designed to provide an in-depth examination of the concept of service and the linkages of the three most important functional areas of the firm: marketing, operations, and human resources. The course addresses the concept of quality customer service and how hospitality-based companies address and successfully sustain quality customer service.
  • Intercultural Communication: This course gives students an introduction to the basic processes of intercultural communication from a global perspective with a goal of increasing their curiosity and understanding of other cultures. Through completion of assigned readings, participation in small-group and class discussions, and various homework exercises, students will learn to apply basic concepts of intercultural communication and sociocultural theories of communication to their interactions with diverse populations in the United States and beyond.

During the six-month internship (academic training) which follows the 10-day on-campus experience at FSU, students work in assigned roles throughout the parks, resorts, and entertainment areas of Walt Disney World Resort ®, gaining valuable experience from Disney’s world-renowned approach to customer service and interacting with a highly international customer base.

While completing their internship (academic training), students are enrolled in nine credits of FSU coursework. These courses are taught using a hybrid modality, combining online work with face-to-face class sessions with FSU faculty and staff who travel to Walt Disney World ® Resort to provide course instruction and offer ongoing program support.

During their time at Walt Disney World® Resort, students are enrolled in the following courses, earning nine FSU credits:

  • Applied Intercultural Communication:  This six-credit course is designed to build the foundations for healthy cross-cultural adjustment, reinforce key principles of cross-cultural interaction, and teach essential elements of American culture in order to prepare students to study and live in the United States. 
  • Hospitality Management Internship or Intercultural Communication Internship:  This three-credit hour internship is designed to provide the student with hands-on, work-integrated learning in a professional setting. Students will complete all necessary training for their assigned role(s), and work up to 37.5 hours per week in their role(s). They will set their own professional objectives and evaluate their progress towards achieving those objectives over the course of their program. 

Florida State University On-Campus Experience

FSU’s Intensive Summer Programs in Hospitality Management and Intercultural Communication offer students the unique opportunity to join students from some of FSU’s other international partner institutions for up to 10 days of intensive academic study and intercultural interaction on the beautiful Florida State University campus, in Tallahassee, Florida.

Students from partner universities where both programs are offered and who are majoring in Hospitality, Business, Marketing, Tourism, and closely-related fields of study are eligible to participate in the Hospitality Management Program. Students from other majors are eligible to participate in the Intercultural Communication program.

During their 10-day stay at Florida State University, Hospitality Management students take an intensive three-credit course in Managing Service Organizations. Intercultural Communication students take an intensive three-credit course in Intercultural Communication. Both courses incorporate experiential learning, using a combination of classroom instruction and at least one course-related field trip

While at FSU, students live in an on-campus residence hall and eat at one of FSU's main dining facilities or in the convenient Center for Global Engagement dining room. Four current FSU students are selected as Peer Mentors. They act as global ambassadors and provide ongoing support to program participants. Peer Mentors live and eat with the students, as well as facilitate a variety of social and cultural activities in the afternoons and evenings.

Disney International Programs Academic Exchange Experience

Upon completion of the on-campus component of the program, students travel to Walt Disney World® Resort for their six-month internship (academic training) experience. Students work in one of the parks, resorts, or entertainment areas of Walt Disney World® Resort.

While students are in Orlando, faculty and staff from Florida State University travel monthly to Walt Disney World® Resort to facilitate classes and provide ongoing program support. During this time, students earn three FSU credits for their six-month internship (academic training) and six FSU credits for Applied Intercultural Communication.

During their academic training at Walt Disney World ®  Resort, students live in a state-of-the-art housing complex specifically designed for Disney program participants. The apartments are fully furnished and include utilities, internet, and access to a bus system specifically for Disney Cast Members. For more details click here.

2025-2026 International Partner Universities



University Programs Offered
Meiji University Intercultural Communication


University Programs Offered
Universidad de Colima Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication

South Korea

Universities Programs Offered
Catholic University of Korea Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Dankook University Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Hansung University Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Kyonggi University Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Seoul National University Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Sookmyung Women's University Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication
Woosong University | SolBridge International School of Business Hospitality Management
Intercultural Communication