Germany: Integrating Refugees (An Engage Your World Event)
Please join us for an Engage Your World event on October 12 in The Globe Auditorium from 4-6 p.m. Attendees will hear from eight speakers who have had close interactions with interactions with the refugee populations in Germany and across the globe. After a brief introduction from each, the speakers will take questions from the audience and discuss best practices. Speakers include:
- Maurizio Albahari, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Notre Dame
- Safouh Al-Hindi, Tallahassee Resident
- Una Bilic, Site Manager, International Rescue Committee, Tallahassee
- Terence Coonan, Professor & Executive Director, Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, FSU
- Aline Fischer, Film Director
- Annette Klein, The Consul General, Federal Republic of Germany for Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Zafer Lababidi, Teaching Assistant Professor & Assistant Director, Middle Eastern Studies Program, FSU
- Hannah Schwadron, Assistant Professor, School of Dance, FSU
This Engage Your World event is being held in collaboration with the German Program at FSU as a part of their "Germany: Making Choices" Campus Week 2017.
Engage Your World: Intercultural Dialogue Series began in September of 2009 as a collaborative effort between the Claude Pepper Center for Intercultural Dialogue and the Center for Global Engagement. It brings together diverse groups of students, faculty, and staff to engage in a conversation about the global challenges we all face today.
The broad scope of Engage Your World provides space for everyone to engage in a respectful conversation, where differences in opinion are not only encouraged but necessary for a deep and meaningful dialogue.
A special thanks to our additional program affiliates: Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Washington DC; the Department of Modern Languages & Linguistics; and the Winthrop-King Institute.
For more information about the Engage Your World: Intercultural Dialogue Series and to view upcoming events, visit