Bollywood Blockbusters (An Engage Your World Event)
Please join us for an Engage Your World about Bollywood films on Monday, October 30, in The Globe Auditorium from 5-6:30 p.m.
Indian films have carved a niche in the world of cinema in their own way. Known for elaborate musical settings and highly packed emotions, Indian cinema has embraced globalization with the same fervor a worldwide fan base has accepted the stereotypical storyboard and its film stars. This lecture will trace the history of great Indian cinema, and look ahead to its future of entertaining a global audience.
We will hear from Dr. Nandini Lakshmikantha, a Professor and Director of the School of Communication at Manipal University in Karnataka, India. Her visit to Florida State University is sponsored by the John H. Phipps Fund for Excellence through the FSU School of Communication.
Join us for a reception with refreshments beginning at 5 p.m., and a presentation and discussion starting at 5:30 p.m.
This talk is held in collaboration with the John H. Phipps Fund for Excellence, FSU School of Communication; South Asian Media and Cultural Studies Program; Institute for Intercultural Communication and Research; Global Peace Exchange; and the South Asian Student Association.
This event also counts toward one of the intercultural event requirements for the Global Citizenship Certificate.
Dr. Lakshmikantha will also present on Health Communication and its Status in India earlier in the day. This talk will be held from 12:30–1:45 p.m. at University Center Building C, Room 4400 on October 30.