Student Spotlight: Hilal Ayan-Karabatman

Hilal Ayan-Karabatman is an international student from Turkey pursuing her Ph.D. in Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies. After doing plenty of research on what university to attend for her doctorate, Hilal decided to come to FSU for many reasons. “The Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies program at FSU is ranked among the top in the fields of instructional design and educational technology and is well-known for its research, strong alumni network, and being home to pioneers in my field,” she said. “Additionally, the campus and environment of FSU greatly appealed to me, creating an ideal environment for a focused and dedicated study full of resources.”

As always, with such a big move, there would be challenges to overcome. When asked about some of the challenges she has faced while here, Hilal said, “Adapting to a different academic system and culture initially presented challenges such as feelings of homesickness, language barriers, etc. However, by actively engaging in student events all around the campus, seeking support from FSU resources provided, and connecting with international student support groups, I was able to overcome these obstacles and thrive in my academic journey.” Some of the activities she participates in around campus include her program’s student association’s bi-weekly events, along with attending FSU sports games and going to the Student Life Cinema.

Hilal has made great strides in her academic goals and other successes at FSU. “My greatest academic achievement so far at FSU as a first-year international student has been being able to balance multiple tasks and roles at the same time while adapting to a new country at the same time. I’m a full-time Ph.D. student and also work as a graduate teaching assistant while trying to have a balanced social life and create a new family and community here at FSU and in the Tallahassee community. This experience allowed me to see and appreciate my strengths as a person and boosted my confidence,” said Hilal. She even goes on to describe how supported she has felt on campus, saying it has been the best part of her time here: “The best part of my FSU experience has been the supportive faculty and personnel, mental and physical health and well-being resources, and research opportunities and the beautiful campus!”

Hilal’s time here so far has allowed her to grow as a person and an academic. Being put in new situations and experiences helped her develop the ability to thrive when facing challenges. She has credited FSU with being a key factor in her success and new-found confidence in her academic abilities. “My time at FSU has equipped me with the necessary knowledge and skills to explore my field, find new opportunities, and become a part of a committed community,” said Hilal. She went on to say that, “supportive faculty, rigorous coursework, competitive research opportunities, academic advising, and a personalized approach by faculty and my advisor have been very helpful so far for me to shape my identity as an early career researcher and future academic.”

Once she finishes her program at FSU, her ultimate goal is to become an “instructional designer with a comprehensive understanding of the intricate relationships between technology, pedagogy, and instruction,” Hilal said. When asked about any advice she’d share with new incoming international students, she said, “I would advise reaching out to support services and using resources here at FSU, connecting with fellow international students, and embracing the challenges as opportunities for growth. Do not hesitate to ask for help and embrace both challenges through the process. Trust yourself and know that you will not be alone here at FSU.” Hilal is a terrific example of a thriving international student who has been challenged, grown as a person, and taken advantage of the many FSU resources available to students.