CGE Student Spotlight: Zoe Ezechiels

Zoe Ezechiels
Global Exchanges Student
Bachelor's in Theater and Media & Communications Studies
Zoe Ezechiels, FSU alumna with a dual bachelor’s degree in theater and media & communication studies, completed her Global Exchanges at Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, South Korea during the 2017-2018 academic year.
Ezechiels thought going on a Global Exchange would be a fun experience and she had the opportunity to go abroad on a full scholarship with a housing stipend through the Bright Futures program. While on a Global Exchange, many exchange students visit cultural landmarks, partake in cultural events and activities, immerse themselves in a new culture, broaden their global perspective, and enhance their foreign language skills.
Not only did she improve her foreign language skills in South Korea, Ezechiels says her favorite part of her exchange was, “Biting into steaming 고구마 (sweet potatoes) while the snow fluttered around her in the winter.” She also went to a Jonghyun concert, made new friends, and visited Tokyo, Japan while on her Global Exchange.
Global Exchange students learn about personal and career interests for their futures while studying abroad. “Thanks to my Global Exchange, learning Korean has become a life-long passion and I hope to make regular visits to South Korea soon,” she said.
Ezechiels currently works as a copywriter. Her goal is to create a sustainable remote source of income so she can work from anywhere in the world, continuing the passion for new cultures obtained on her Global Exchange. One way of doing this for Ezechiels would be by joining the Peace Corps.
Global Exchanges is an exciting and culturally immersive opportunity for FSU undergraduates to live, learn, and explore another culture as an exchange student at a partner university. Students who participate in the program can pay FSU tuition, take classes toward their major earning FSU credit, and use their financial aid. Choose from 45+ partner universities worldwide and stay abroad for 1-2 semesters at a time.
FSU students who are interested in enrolling in a Global Exchange program can visit to learn more or email to request an advising session.
If you've been on a Global Exchange and would like to share your experience with the FSU community, fill out this 20-minute questionnaire and prepare to upload photos from your exchange.