CGE Student Spotlight: Isabella Hernandez

Isabella Hernandez
Global Citizenship Certificate Student
Studying Entrepreneurship

Isabella is a sophomore enrolled in the Global Citizenship Certificate. After completing the required Global Perspectives course, she became more globally aware and learned how to communicate with people from different backgrounds. She states, “The main thing I took away from Global Perspectives is that you have to be understanding and aware of people who are different than you and treat them as you wish to be treated.” Of all the on-campus global events that she’s attended for the program, International Coffee Hour is her favorite because she walks away having learned something new each time she meets a new person there.

Isabella is fulfilling her sustained experience requirement of the program by being a Facilitator for the FSU Food for Thought Pantry, a pantry located in University Center A for students in need of food.

“Being enrolled in this certificate has taught me to be a better leader in my community. I can better recognize what our community needs and the conversations that we should be having with each other. Instead of ignoring the topic of food insecurity, we should educate others on this issue and de-stigmatize something that many college students deal with on a daily basis.”

Isabella was recently featured on our social media for meeting one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Global Goals, ‘Zero Hunger’, through her work with the food pantry.

Undergraduate students interested in learning more about global issues and demonstrating to employers and graduate schools that they're ready to succeed in a dynamic and ever-changing world should enroll in the Global Citizenship Certificate.

Students take a total of four academic courses: one required course and three electives from a list of 500+ liberal studies courses that enhance understanding of global issues; attend eight on-campus hosted international events; and complete one sustained experience. GCC students earn a transcript notation and a physical certificate upon completion. They can also add in-demand job skills like global communication and analytical thinking to their resume.

Visit for more information, or email to schedule an advising appointment. Or follow GCC on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to learn more!