Student Spotlight: Miu Itakura

Miu Itakura, a sophomore from Waseda University in Japan, embarked on a journey to Florida State University (FSU) as part of the Global Exchange program. With a major in Political Science and Economics, Miu sought not only to expand her academic horizons but also to immerse herself in new experiences and ideas that the United States had to offer.

"I wanted to feel diversity in the United States. I also wanted to study politics in the United States, which has a great influence on the world both historically and currently," Miu explains, reflecting on her decision to study abroad.

Miu's time at FSU has been transformative, shaping her views and aspirations for the future. "Meeting many people and seeing various perspectives pushed me to learn more as an international student. I want to do something that contributes to the world globally, and this experience has helped me," she shares, highlighting how her experiences have fueled her desire to make a positive impact on a global scale.

Language barriers were also a challenge for Miu, especially at the beginning of her exchange. "I wasn’t used to English and didn't have a lot of English vocabulary, but even though I'm not that good with my English, being smiley every time is the best way to deal with this, I think," she says. Miu's positive attitude and determination have helped her navigate these obstacles.

Despite the challenges of being in a new environment, Miu has embraced her time at FSU wholeheartedly. One of the biggest hurdles she faced was a group presentation in one of her courses. "Deciding the presentation theme, talking about the structure, distributing the parts of the project, etc. It took much time, and I sometimes couldn't understand what my group members discussed because they talked fast without taking a break, especially when the discussion picked up," Miu recalls. However, with the support of her classmates, she overcame these obstacles and completed the presentation.

One of the most memorable experiences for Miu has been the variety she encountered in the United States. Coming from Japan, where there is less variety, Miu was intrigued by the different perceptions of identity.  "In the US, it's so diverse that there are many Asian Americans, so the first time someone sees me, they think I'm an Asian American, like my mother tongue is English. It was such an interesting thing and a kind of new world for me because that is not how it is in Japan," she reflects.

Outside of academics, Miu has been an active participant in extracurricular activities. She joined "Seoula System," a K-pop cover dance team, where she made many friends and performed at various events. "Achieving the same goal with not only exchange students but also with regular FSU students made my US college experience special," Miu says, reflecting on her time with the dance team.

As Miu prepares to return to Japan, she leaves behind a legacy of embracing differences, overcoming challenges, and pursuing her dreams. To future international students considering coming to FSU, Miu has a simple message: "I strongly recommend FSU. They have a bunch of enjoyable events and organizations. Also, college sports are super encouraged here which is very fun! You can definitely have a wonderful US college experience!"