Global Exchange Students Explore FSU, Enrich Campus Community

This fall, 47 international exchange students from 23 partner institutions in 11 countries and areas studied at FSU through the Global Exchanges program. During their time here they enjoyed experiencing student life at an American university, learning about other cultures represented on our diverse campus, as well as sharing their own cultures with FSU students.

International students enrich FSU’s campus community by bringing their unique perspectives and experiences, helping domestic students to increase their knowledge of other cultures and global topics. Most recently, 25 exchange students participated in the Global Exchanges Fair held during FSU’s International Education Month in November to talk to domestic students about their home universities, countries, and cultures.

“I chose FSU for all of the opportunities. It’s a really nice and big campus,” Jessica Foppe, an education major from the University of Oldenburg in Germany said. “I really like that there are many students who have a very diverse cultural background. That exposure really broadens your horizons. As a teacher, it’s important to know as much as possible about different cultures, especially since now in Germany our population is becoming more diverse.”

Marc-Antoine Werle, finance accounting major from EM Strasbourg Business School in France, is one of 15 students who will continue to study at FSU for the remainder of the academic year.

“I chose FSU for 3 reasons: it’s good ranking in finance, it’s in the sunshine state, and this is an English-speaking country,” Werle said. FSU’s exchange agreements enable FSU students to study internationally while paying FSU tuition, earning FSU credits, and using their financial aid while taking classes in English or studying another language in an immersive setting.

This fall, 25 FSU students departed to study at one of FSU’s 45+ partner universities around the world for either the semester or the entire academic year, and 44 will be going out for a semester-long exchange this spring or will be continuing their yearlong exchange program in the spring.

Interested students can learn more about FSU's Global Exchanges by visiting or by attending an info session, which are held when classes are in session on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. and Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. in The Globe Room 2600.