FSU Students Explored Jamaican Culture During Spring Break
Twelve FSU students and two team leaders visited the University of West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, during spring break as a part of FSU’s Beyond Borders short-term intercultural exchange program.
The program provides a unique opportunity for FSU students to host incoming international students from either Jamaica or Germany by sharing their American culture and experiences as an FSU student. A few months later, the FSU students then travel to either Jamaica or Germany to be hosted by the same student group, exploring the cultural offerings of the country and learning what it is like to be a student there.
Through this program, students develop intercultural communication skills and increase their cultural awareness. One such student, Diosili Salazar, an FSU junior studying political science, remarked that it was not possible to fully grasp the beauty of Jamaican culture without experiencing it firsthand.
“The ambition of the people, the delicious multicultural cuisine, and the breathtaking scenery was only a small part of my experience,” Salazar said. “Many people travel abroad and refuse to be receptive about a culture that’s different from their own. I spent much time asking about initiatives they were taking to help their country. It ranged from planting mangroves in the ocean to reduce hurricane impact to students being able to be more inclusive for those that felt underrepresented. I wanted to understand and talk about it not just read about it.”
Another student, Anna Wuest, said that visiting Jamaica through the Beyond Borders program provided an exceptionally holistic experience, and getting to share this immersive experience with other FSU students expanded her perception of international travel.
Students apply for both of the Beyond Borders Jamaica and Germany programs in the fall each year. Students can email Laura Dean at lmdean@fsu.edu if interested in applying for Beyond Borders next year.
To learn more about the program, visit cge.fsu.edu/beyondborders.