CGE Student Spotlight: Morgan Geck

Morgan Geck
Global Exchanges Student
Bachelor's in Asian Studies, Minor in Business
Morgan Geck, Asian Studies major, completed her Global Exchange at Hong Kong Baptist University in China during summer 2019.
“I wanted to study abroad because I wanted an opportunity to experience what it would be like to live in another country. I had never traveled abroad before going on my exchange and I felt that it was important to see the world and gain new perspectives,” she said.
As an exchange student, Geck gained valuable skills for her future, enhanced her worldview, and expanded her connections. “I came back with a better understanding of both myself and the world around me. I met so many new friends and so many more students from around the world that I never pictured myself becoming friends with, which helped me to learn about not only the country I studied in, but countries all over the world. The classes I took helped me hone in on the degree I wanted to pursue and made me realize that I wanted to go to graduate school abroad,” she said.

Wong Tai Sin Temple
Global Exchanges is an exciting and culturally immersive opportunity for FSU undergraduates to live, learn, and explore another culture as an exchange student at a partner university. Students who participate in the program can pay FSU tuition, take classes toward their major earning FSU credit, and use their financial aid. Choose from 45+ partner universities worldwide and stay abroad for 1-2 semesters at a time.

Wong Tai Sin Temple
FSU’s Global Exchange program can help you gain international experience and connections that will advance your future career and worldview. The deadline to apply for a fall or academic year exchange is February 1; the deadline to apply for a spring exchange is October 1.
“Go for it! It was worth every penny and it was the best experience of my life so far,” Geck said.
FSU students who are interested in enrolling in a Global Exchange program can visit to learn more or email to request an advising session.
If you've been on a Global Exchange and would like to share your experience with the FSU community, fill out this 20-minute questionnaire and prepare to upload photos from your exchange.