CGE Student Spotlight: Liat Hakmon
Liat Hakmon, a junior majoring in political science and Interdisciplinary Social Science, is studying for the spring semester at the University of Salzburg, Austria through the FSU Global Exchange Program. Hakmon also receives the Global Citizenship Certificate (GCC) scholarship, which is awarded to high-achieving students enrolled in the GCC who are also participating in an FSU Global Exchange.
Hakmon has had the opportunity to experience the beautiful day-to-day life of Salzburg while making friends from all over the world. “I came on this exchange alone with the intention to make friends and create memories, which is exactly what my time here has been like. My friend group is a mix of nationalities from Italy, Poland, and Sweden,” Hakmon said. She has also gotten the chance to travel to other places in Europe. “For a weekend my friends and I drove to Prague, Czech Republic where I was able to see the city, try traditional food, and experience the change of culture and language as we crossed the border. I have more trips planned for our upcoming spring break and am excited to see even more new cultures and cities,” she said.
When asked what the GCC Scholarship meant to her, Hakmon said, “It has allowed me to place less stress on the financial (aspect) of this opportunity and focus on the experience. It also meant a lot coming from the GCC, as I have been involved in it for the past few semesters and love everything they offer to the students involved in global engagement. I’m so grateful for this scholarship and continue to appreciate everything that the GCC and Center for Global Engagement have done for me.”
Prior to studying in Austria for the spring 2023 semester, Hakmon made the most out of every opportunity to learn more about new heritages through the GCC and Center for Global Engagement’s programs. “I originally enrolled into the GCC because I found myself attending events such as International Coffee Hour and Global Café,” she said. Although originally indecisive about studying abroad, Hakmon noted that taking part in various Center for Global Engagement events helped her realize the value of immersing herself in new communities. Hakmon has the following advice for anyone considering an FSU Global Exchange, “It’s not every day you can move to a new country and live your happiest life with so many new people from around the world. Go somewhere you know nothing about, a place most people don’t go, this will give you truly the most unique experience. It’s not scary, it’s exciting!”
In addition to CGE events, Hakmon highlighted the role the Global Perspectives course, required as part of the GCC program, played in preparing her for the experience in Austria. According to her, “taking this course prior to my exchange allowed me to prepare myself for global and cultural differences that I would later experience and was not expecting if not for this course. I highly recommend the Global Perspectives course (offered as IDS 2431 or IDS 2460) for anyone interested in an international experience in the future.” Hakmon said, “Taking advantage of what the Center for Global Engagement and the GCC has to offer will make for the best memories and eye-opening experiences at Florida State University.”
As she continues her semester abroad, Hakmon looks forward to each day holding the possibility of amazing new experiences and introductions to new communities. “This experience has been the best opportunity I have been able to take part in during my time at FSU,” Hakmon said. The Center for Global Engagement is proud to be able to facilitate experiences like Hakmon’s with FSU Global Exchanges and the Global Citizenship Certificate for those interested in learning more about the world.