CGE Student Spotlight: Joann Mauricette

Joann Mauricette
Global Exchanges Student
Bachelor's in Digital Media Production
Joann Mauricette, Digital Media Production major, completed her Global Exchange at The University of Sussex in England during spring 2019.
“Moving to a new country and studying at a drastically different university seemed to be a massive challenge, one that I was willing to take. The Global Exchanges program let me use all of my financial aid which was the main factor in my ability to go,” she said.
As an exchange student, Mauricette gained valuable skills for her future, enhanced her worldview, and grew as a person. “This experience has made me a more independent confident person. My future career path has been heavily influenced by my time abroad. I’ve started looking into graduate school programs and work opportunities in European countries,” she said.
Palace of Versailles (Paris, France)
Global Exchanges is an exciting and culturally immersive opportunity for FSU undergraduates to live, learn, and explore another culture as an exchange student at a partner university. Students who participate in the program can pay FSU tuition, take classes toward their major earning FSU credit, and use their financial aid. Choose from 45+ partner universities worldwide and stay abroad for 1-2 semesters at a time.

Caffe del Pincio (Rome, Italy)
FSU’s Global Exchange program can help you gain international experience and connections that will advance your future career and worldview. The deadline to apply for a fall or academic year exchange is February 1; the deadline to apply for a spring exchange is October 1.
“Apply! It’s definitely a challenge, but an experience to remember for a lifetime. It’s completely changed my worldview and perspective,” Mauricette said.
FSU students who are interested in enrolling in a Global Exchange program can visit to learn more or email to request an advising session.
If you've been on a Global Exchange and would like to share your experience with the FSU community, fill out this 20-minute questionnaire and prepare to upload photos from your exchange.