2017 Global Citizen Award Recipients Announced

The Center for Global Engagement’s 2017 Global Citizen Award recipients – Elisa Gomez and Anwer Al-Kaimakchi – were announced at FSU’s Leadership Awards Night, which celebrates students’ exemplary contributions to the FSU community.

The Global Citizen Award recognizes outstanding students who exemplify global citizenship. Through their intercultural engagement, both at home and internationally, this year’s Global Citizen Award recipients have built relationships across cultures and fostered global awareness and mutual understanding on FSU's campus. Students were nominated by faculty, staff, or their peers and selected by a panel of judges.

Gomez, a senior studying family and child sciences, has made significant contributions to the FSU community through her service in the First Responder/Emergency Medical Responder program. As a future health care professional, she is committed to equal access to healthcare for individuals worldwide. Gomez has assisted local doctors through MEDLIFE in Ecuador, she has served at both a hospital and schools in India as part of FSU’s Global Scholars program, and she has completed a medical internship with MEDLIFE in Peru.

“I was born in Colombia, and moving to the U.S. sparked my interest in learning about other cultures,” said Gomez. “My travels have helped me to better relate to others, and I find that I now feel more comfortable outside of my comfort zone, which I think will help me in the future.”

Al-Kaimakchi, a master’s student studying civil and environmental engineering, is an international student from Iraq who has dedicated his free time to serving FSU students and the Tallahassee community. Al-Kaimakchi worked at the Center for Global Engagement assisting new international students with their transition to life at FSU. He is a member of the Global Ambassadors Program, giving cultural presentations and Arabic language workshops to young students at local Tallahassee schools and community organizations. In addition, he has spent a great deal of time assisting refugee families and serving as an Arabic translator for the International Rescue Committee.

“I believe if you help people, someone else will help you in the future,” said Al-Kaimakchi. “This is life; we are here for each other. I have found the benefits of studying abroad are innumerable. Through this experience, I have met new people, gained a new perspective, and expanded my horizons and ideas about life.”

For more information about the Global Citizen Award, and to read about past recipients, please visit cge.fsu.edu/gca.

Photo: From Left: Elisa Gomez and Anwer Al-Kaimakchi